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Going Out at Night in Valencia
Bars and Discos
Valencia is renowned in Spain for having one of the most hardcore party scenes in Spain.Valencia has a large student population which may be one of the catalysts to why Valencia has a reputation as one of the liveliest night scenes in Spain. The Barrio del Carmen, in the centre, is a district and home to many bars and clubs. Here you can find most genres of music. In the summer months the beach area comes alive and there are many places open until the early hours of the morning.
You can find almost every genre of music in Valencia, including many live music venues and a wide variety of gay clubs. The city centre is the most happening place on the weekends, especially in the Barrio del Carmen, where the streets are packed with youths, bar hopping to the early hours of the morning. Around these areas you can find promoters offering you free entrance into the bars and clubs and giving you tokens for free sugary colourful shots, so sweet you can’t feel the alcohol. This also takes place around the student zones on and around Blasco Ibañez. Here, the clubs play more commercial sounds, yet in Plaza de Cedro, you can find excellent rock bars. It is especially in the student and beach areas where you find groups of people sitting outside drinking, this is called botellón, and it is a traditional way of passing the warm Spanish nights. In summer all the action switches to the beach areas, Valencia even has its own version of Café del Mar, right on the beach… so chill-out and listen to melting tunes as you watch the sun go down!