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Going Out in Barcelona
Going Out @ Night
Anyone and everyone can find a place to go out in Barcelona. The city is thriving with a vast array of interesting places, each providing a different, distinct atmosphere to fit your mood. You can find all kinds of locales, from national to international, laid back pubs and bustling discos. With the city's large population, plus the thousands of tourists that visit Barcelona, you can find something happening every night of the week. Also, the popularity of some places depends on the time of year it the summer those terraces on the beach are most popular and in the winter people flock to old town (Barrio Gtico).
The Spanish nightlife is known to start late, however, both for going out to eat and for fiesta. Restaurants usually tend to serve dinner from 20.00 until 23.00 or 24.00, the bars and don't normally get very busy until 24.00 or after.
Bars and Discos
Barcelona nightlife is one of the best in all of Spain. And much like the rest of the country, it starts later than most are used to; therefore it also goes longer, usually into the early hours of the following day. Barcelona has something for everyone when it comes to nightlife. There are endless bars and pubs lining the streets in the different districts of the city, along with different kinds of clubs and discos. With the time to eat dinner being so late in the evening, it is common that most of the bars and discos don't fill up with people until late as well.
Sometimes, after eating it is common to go somewhere calmer for some drinks, then around 2 a.m. or later, out to different clubs. Some bars and discos have special nights where there is a theme to follow, either in the music they play or what the people should dress like. There are signs and posters all over the city listing these kinds of parties. It is worth noting that some clubs have a VIP list, but that doesn't mean you cannot enter without being on the list; they will probably just require you to pay a cover charge.although, sometimes these charges include a drink when you enter. The most popular areas to go out are Barrio Gtico, El Raval, El Born, and Las Ramblas.