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Restaurants in Sevilla
Sevilla is know as a city where the population spend their time socializing in the many restaurants and bars available all over the city and restaurants are open nearly all day from lunch to midnight. At the many tapa bars/restaurants it is normally not possible to reserve table but in restaurants reservations can be recommended.
Eating Out
In Sevilla you can find a great number of different restaurants from small traditional Spanish tapa bars to international fast-food chains and exquisite restaurants.
Depending on your appetite and taste there are different opportunities, which can be recommended. If you are not very hungry or just want to grab something to eat while socializing the many tapa bars in the city center of Sevilla (especially the areas Santa Cruz and Triana) can be recommended. In a tapa bar you can get a variety of snacks (hot and cold, meat or vegetarian) and also enjoy a drink in the same place. The 'tapeo' is a typical Sevillian phenomenon and is a great way to try a number of different Andalucian specialities.
If you want to go out for a nice dinner we can recommend the area around the bullfighting ring and the river where you can find a great number of Spanish and international restaurants.