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Museums in Tenerife
Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos (Museum of Science and the Cosmos)
La Laguna, Calle Via Lacte Corner of Avenido de los Menceyes and Camino de la Hornero. Cruz de Pieda exit from TF5
This museum offers a wide range of interactive exhibits from understanding how Black Holes work to finding your weight on other planets. There is a games and puzzle room and a number of large exhibits such as “flying over a Tenerife.” Look out for the volcano!An excellent planetarium is also housed on the site. The museum is great for youngsters but is advanced enough to be interesting for adults too. An English guide is available from reception.
Museo de la Historia de Tenerife (Tenerife Museum of History)
Casa Lercano, Calle San Agustin, 22, La Laguna near the Cathedral.
As you would expect, this museum records the history of Tenerife and the Canaries from the 15th to 20th centuries. The emphasis is very much on post conquest society and developments. The museum is housed in one of the few remaining 16th century buildings. It has been beautifully restored to its original glory and is a joy to see in itself. Casa Lercaro was built by a former Governor of Tenerife in 1593.
The displays are all in Spanish but at Reception you can obtain an English booklet which contains all the information you might need.
Museo de Antropologia (Museum of Anthropology)
One and half meters along the TF16 between Valle de Guerra and Tacoronte.
This museum is located in the countryside on a 21000 square meter site. Indigenous plants abound and these are well complemented by various tropical plants. Other aspects of country life are to be seen from wine press to agricultural implements. In the house you can view traditional artefacts from across the Canary Islands. The Casa de Carta was built in the early years of the 18th century. A country house set around a central patio. This museum is difficult to get to without a car but well worth the visit if your do have transport.