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Transportation in Alicante - Car Rental, the Airport, Buses, Trains

Alicante Airport
Alicante airport is 9 kilometres to the south east of the region's capital city in the municipality of Elche. The airport serves charter, low-cost and regular scheduled flights with many coming and leaving each day; mostly from major Spanish cities and other larger European cities. There is local bus transportation to the airport from the city center (and vice versa) as well as the option to rent a car or take a taxi. Bus is always the cheapest option, but not always the fastest. The bus stop is located directly out side the arrivals building at the airport. The fare for the bus is around 0.90€, if you don’t want to wait and decide to take a taxi be prepared to pay around 15-20€.
The Alicante airport has different shops and restaurants, as well as a pharmacy inside.

Alicante has a main train station that is a hub for many different train companies, including RENFE, which connects Alicante with many other cities throughout Spain.
The station is located in the city center on Avenida de Salamanca.
Train travel in Spain is comfortable and a nice way to see the countryside of Spain.
There are also regional trains the come and go from Alicante, called the Narrow Gauge Railway. They can be found on Avenida Villajoyosa, 2.The FGV runs this system of trains that travel along the coast, serving the coastal cities and more touristy areas.
There is also a new streetcar in Alicante, that leaves the city out in the direction of El Campello, this also leaves from the same station.

Alicante’s city center is not very large, therefore it’s possible to wander the city center by foot, but there is also a local bus system called the TAM. They have several different lines that run through the city as well as the surroundings outside the city center. There are special busses dedicated to transporting students to the University. Alicante also runs a night-bus service. A regular pass for one trip on the bus costs 1€. You can also purchase a 10 (5.50€) or 30 (16.50€) trip pass.

Car Rental
It is possible to rent a car at the airport in Alicante, but we recommend that you make plans in advance to ensure you can have a car ready when you arrive. There are a variety of different companies that hire out cars.
If you plan to travel great distances from Alicante, renting a car can be a great idea, especially if you traveling with friends or family. You will be able to take in a lot of scenery within the country that can be missed otherwise.

Accommodation in Alicante

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