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Leisure & Entertainment in Barcelona

Attraction Parks
If you are seeking some fun, play time Barcelona hosts many options for attraction parks and zoos. Some options for amusement and water parks include: Tibidado Funfair, Isla de Fantasia, Big Fun, and Happy Parc. These options make a great day for the whole family. Barcelona is also home to a world famous zoo, the Barcelona Zoo. Snowflake, the world's single, captive albino gorilla resides in that zoo. Over the 105 acre park, you can find almost 8,000 animals including dolphins, mammals, an Iberian wolf, birds, and a variety of reptiles and amphibians. Barcelona also has the largest aquarium in all of Europe; it is another one of the biggest attractions in the city. It is located by the sea and there it is possible to see over 10,000 animals in their live shows as well as learning many interesting facts.

If you are going to Spain to learn Spanish then going to the cinema is a very good option, even if you are just looking for a way to pass a rainy day, and you don't feel up to watching a movie that has been dubbed into Spanish or Catalan it is possible to see some movies in original version (just look for the ones marked V.O.). Cinemas can be found all over Barcelona, in many of the commercial shopping centers and throughout the city.

Theatre & Dance
Throughout Barcelona you can find several options for viewing a theatre or dance production. The city is one of the most innovative in Spain when it comes to the performing arts. There are traditional performances as well as current, avant-garde or progressive acts. Some of the most popularly frequented facilities are the new Ciutat del Teatre, the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Teatre Grec, and the Mercat de les Flors. Barcelona hosts several international dance groups in its vast range of theatres every year. If you are interested in seeing a flamenco show in Barcelona Live Flamenco Show with Dinner and for other tours available in Barcelona Click Here.

If you just want to go out and have fun or a friendly competition you can always find bowling, dart or pool in several locations throughout Barcelona. For people interested in gambling you can find bingos and smaller gambling halls throughout Barcelona's capital and province.


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