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Museums in Granada

Alhambra Museum
Palacio de Carlos V (Alhambra).
Phone 958 229 105
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 9.30 - 14.30.
The Alhambra museum is located in the palace Carlos V from the 16th century (next to Alhambra & Generalife). Here you can find great examples of Moorish craftsmanship including ceramics and decorations from the 9th to the 16th centuries.

Archaeological Museum
Carrera del Darro 41.
Phone 958 225 640
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 31/10). Tuesdays 14.30 - 20.00, Wednesday - Saturday, 9.00 - 20.00, Sunday, 9.00 - 14.30.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Tuesday, 14.30 to 18.00. Wednesday to Saturday, 9.00 to 18.00. Sunday, 9.00 to 14.30.
The Archaeological Museum is located in the Castril palace from the 16th century. Inside the museum you can find examples from the many different civilizations that used to live in Granada including the Carthaginians the Phoenicians, the Romans and the Arabs.

Jose Guerrero Center
Oficios 8.
Phone 958 225 185
Opening hours: Summer (16/ 6 - 15/9). Tuesday - Sunday, 10 - 14 and 19 - 22. Rest of the year. Tuesday - Sunday, 11 - 14 and 17 - 21.
This museum is dedicated to show and promote the Granadian artist Jose Guerrero. The museum is situated in a beautiful house from the 19th century desgned by Antonio Jimnez Torrecillas.

Museum of Federico Garcia Lorca
Poeta Federico Garca Lorca 4.
Phone 958 516 453
Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 10.00 - 19.00.
This was the residence of the famous poet Federico Garcia Lorca. Here you can find paintings, manuscripts, photos and other original documents of Lorca and of other artists from this epoch like Dali.

Museum of Fine Arts
Palacio de Carlos V (Alambra).
Phone 958 130 018
Opening hours: Summer (1/4 - 31/10). Tuesdays, 14.30 - 20.00, Wednesday - Saturday, 9.00 - 20.00, Sundays, 9.00 - 14.30.
Winter (1/11 - 31/3). Tuesdays, 14.30 - 18.00, Wednesday - Saturday, 9.00 - 18.00. Sundays, 9.00 - 14.30.
The Museum of fine arts is located on the second floor of the palace Carlos V from the 16th century (next to Alhambra & Generalife). This museum mainly contains art made by artist from Granada including works of Fray Snchez Cotn but also other artists like Alonso Cano and Pedro de Mena are represented.

Museum of Manuel de Falla
Antequeruela Alta 11.
Phone 958 229 421
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10.00 - 15.00.
This museum is located in the house where the famous composer used to live. Apart from personal objects you can find paintings of Picasso and the house is surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Science Park Museum
Avda del Mediterrneo s/n.
Phone 958 131 900
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 19.00, Sundays 10.00 - 15.00, closed on Mondays.
The science museum contains five different exhibition rooms dedicated to; the history of the universe, a planetarium with astronomical information, the history of Earth, physics, and a room for children between 3-7 years old.

The House of Los Tiros
Pavaneras 19.
Phone 958 221 072
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 14.30 - 20.00.
Apart from having a continuous exhibition devoted to shown the history of Granada this house from the 16th century is a cultural house with concerts, modern exhibitions, poesy lectures etc.

The House of the Pisas
Convalescencia 1.
Phone 958 222 144
Opening hours: Monday - Saturday 9.00 - 13.00.
In this house from the 16th century used to live the famous Spanish Saint Juan de Dios. The house consists of 12 smaller rooms and 3 large exhibition halls where you can find Spanish and international art as well as furniture, jewels and ceramics from the 16th century.

The Max Moreau Museum
Camino nuevo de San Nicols 12.
Phone 958 293 310
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10.00 - 13.30 and 16.00 - 18.00.
The Max Moreau Museum is a contribution to the Belgium author who died in Granada in 1992 after having lived in the town for several years. In the museum, which is located in the house where Moreau used to live you can find original examples of his works.

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