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Monuments in Tenerife

The Cathedral of La Laguna.
La Laguna Centre
Opening hours: The interior is currently undergoing restoration work but parts of the cathedral remain open to the public during the following hours: Monday - Saturday, 10.30 - 13.30 and 16.00 - 19.00, Sundays, 16.00 - 19.00.

In 1818, after the Nivar diocese separated from the Canary Islands bishopric, it adopted the Church of Los Remedios as its headquarters, thus converting it into a cathedral. It was built on a hermitage from 1511. A Mudejar church was begun in 1515. In the 17th century the bishop Antonio Carrionero ordered the construction of the temple tower and, in the 18th century, several chapels were built inside. The current building, in the Neogothic style, was built between 1904 and 1915. It has three naves and a ribbed vault on top. The right tower was built in 1916. The façade is an 1825 reconstruction in the Neoclassic style

Tenerife Symphony Orchestra
Near Plaza de España, Santa Cruz De Tenerife
Opening hours: For schedules see

The modern Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, acclaimed as one of the best in Spain by critics, organises a regular season of concerts from early October, through until the end of May. Concerning popular festivities, the pilgrimages are full of the colour of Tenerife folklore, while the festivities of Corpus Christi and Easter are impregnated with pure religious tradition. But, the most cosmopolitan and popular fiesta is undoubtedly the Carnival, which has been declared an event of International Tourist Interest.

Canary Island Courtyard
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Centre
Opening Hours: This monument can only be viewed from the outside.

Situated in the centre of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, this 18th century building combines the Baroque and Neoclassic styles. The outstanding elements are its balconies and the interior courtyard typical of Canary Island architecture. It was ordered to be built by Captain Matías Rodríguez Carta. The mixture of cultures that gave rise to the colonial style can clearly be seen in Canary Island architecture.

La Plaza de España
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Centre
Opening Hours: Open all hours

The most frequented place in Santa Cruz is "La Plaza de España" by the sea, where the building "Cabildo de Tenerife" stands. This iconic monument and the plaza that surrounds it are currently being redesigned by Swiss architects. A popular meeting place for the youth of Santa Cruz; La Plaza de España forms the cultural centrepiece of the capital.

The Basilica of Candelaria
Candelaria (15 km from santa Cruz de Tenerife)
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 07.30 to 19.30 / 20.30 in summer (closed between 13.00 and 15.00). Saturdays Sundays and Holidays: 07.30 to 20.00

The basilica of Candelaria is one of the island’s most important places of worship, and is home to the Virgen de Candelaria, proclaimed in 1599 as the patron saint of the Canary Islands by Pope Clement VIII. The building, erected by Enrique Marrero, is a place of pilgrimage for the entire archipelago. Every year on 2nd August, celebrations are held to mark the appearance at the end of the 14th Century of a gothic carving which the guanche people worshipped under the name of Chaxiraxi (global woman).

This primitive image was lost in 1826 during a major storm flood and was replaced in 1827 by the present effigy which is the work of Fernando Estévanez. The basilica consists of three naves. Its roof structure is reminiscent of the Mudejar style and a 25-metre diameter dome, which crowns the crossing. Next to the basilica, bordering the main square of Candelaria, stand nine large bronze sculptures, representing the nine menceyes, or guanche princes.

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