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Monuments in Barcelona

If you are planning on going to Barcelona you can find links below to different tours to visit Monuments in Barcelona:
- Barcelona Monumental Highlights.
- Gaudi Barcelona Walking Tour.
- Walking tour of Gothic Quarter.
- Discovering the Jewish Gems of Catalonia.

Sagrada Familia Temple
Plaça de la Sagrada Familia
This basilica, which is still incomplete, is one of the most popular attractions visited in Spain. Antoni Gaudí spent over 40 years on this project, this unusual, symbolic cathedral, he devoted the last 15 years of his life solely working on it, yet it is still unfinished. Many architects and designers have worked on the project in since Gaudí died in 1926, yet some original plans and parts of the basilica were destroyed in the Spanish Civil War of 1935. The work is expected to be complete in time for the 100th anniversary of Gaudí's death, 2026. /p>

Gothic Cathedral
Plaça de la Seu
Although this cathedral was built between 1298 and 1450, the facade and cupola are works of 19th century. The oldest part of the Cathedral is the doorway of Sant Iu.

Palau de la Generalitat (Parliament Building)
Plaça de Sant Jaume
This building seats the autonomous government of Catalonia. It is mostly built in Gothic and Renaissance styles and the inner court, Patio de los naranjos, is especially interesting with its gothic stairway that leads to an open air, arcaded gallery. The building has undergone a number of renovations, spanning the 15th to mid-17th centuries.

Palau del Ayuntamiento (Town Hall)
Plaça Sant Jaume, 1
Barcelona's town hall has incredible features, most notably, the Salon de las cronicas. The facade is neoclassic, while the inner court is done in Gothic style.

Nao de Santa Maria del Mar
This is accurate replica of the ship, "Santa Maria", on which Columbus sailed to America.

Palau Reial Major (Royal Palace)
Plaça del Rei
The Royal Palace was once and originally intended for use by the counts of Barcelona, it then became home to the king of Aragón. There are many interesting features in the building, like the ceremonial hall of the counts of Barcelona; this is where Columbus, supposedly, was greeted by the king and queen after his return from America. It's also said that during the Inquisition, the accused were tried in the square.

Palau de la Musica Catalana
Sant Francesc de Paula, 2
This magnificent concert house done in modernist style, noted as one of the most modernist buildings in the world, was by Lluís Domenech i Muntaner. In 1997, it was declared, by UNESCO, as a World Heritage Site. It dates back to 1908 and is fitted with stained glass, mosaics, and floral themes. There are also many other works of art and sculptures that are a part of the building which makes it seem like an exhibition. The building, that was originally intended for the Orfeó Catalá (a choral group), can hold 2,000 people.

Casa de l' Ardiaca
Carrer de Santa Llúcia, 1
The city archives are housed in the upstairs of the Casa de l' Ardiaca, or Archdeacon's house. It was constructed in the 12th century but has had additions and extensions dating up to 1870. In 1500 a colonnade was added and later a Gothic patio surrounding a fountain, as well. Lluís Domenech i Muntaner, creator of the Palau de la Musica Catalana, also worked on this by designing a marble mailbox, detailed with three swallows and a tortoise.

Hospital de la Santa Creu I de Sant Pau
Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167
In the early 1400's six smaller hospitals merged together to form Hospital de Sant Pau. Between 1901 and 1930, Lluís Domenech i Muntaner designed and began to build the complex that is now, still today, functioning as a hospital. His son, Pere, completed the work after Muntaner's death in 1923. Muntaner thought that with a grandiose, beautiful setting, patients would heal more rapidly. He set out to create 26 individual pavilions, placed within larger gardens. He thought if patients could go outside, into that bold, brightly decorated area it would brighten their day. The Hospital was also declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

Boqueria Market
Rambla, 85-89
A visit to the Boqueria Market can be enticing for the senses. It is highly recommended because there it is possible to see, smell, and taste the vibrant ingredients that make Mediterranean cuisine so delectable. It's open daily, except Sundays, from 6H to 21H.

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