Hotels in Spain
If you are planning a vacation to Spain you can find useful information about choosing the right hotel in Spain as well as great offers on hotels all over Spain.
Discounts on Hotels in Spain
In Spanish Town Guides we collaborate with the worlds biggest hotel search engine HotelsCombined that offers hotels from all the main hotel portals like,,, and many more.
At HotelsCombined you can easily compare prices offered for the same hotel in up to 50 different hotel portals and will therefore always pay the lowest price available for any hotel in Spain. When you book a hotel in Spain through HotelsCombined you can save up to 75% compared to booking directly with the hotel.
You furthermore have the greatest selection of hotels available in Spain with more than 10,000 hotels throughout the country.
The search facility offered at HotelsCombined makes it an easy job to find the right hotel. Apart from searching by price, category and location you can also search on many different special facilities like internet, gym or golf.
If you still have doubts about finding the right hotel in Spain we are in Spanish Town Guides specialist in Spain and will be happy to help you with information about different Spanish cities or any question you have about Spain.
For information about hotels available in Spain in collaboration with HotelsCombined CLICK HERE. If you are looking for a rural hotel in Andalucia, Spain we can recommend this Spanish website about hoteles rurales en Andalucia.
Choosing the Right Hotel
If you know the area or city you want to visit in Spain but have doubts about the exact location where to book your hotel you can find some useful information below and more concrete advice in the sections of each town guides (see links below).
If you are planning a city vacation in Spain then you general have to choose between a hotel in the centre of the city, some areas close to the centre like residential areas and hotels in the outskirts of the city.
In general the advantage of staying in a hotel in the historic centre of a city is bigger in for large cities. If you for example choose a hotel in the outskirts of Madrid or Barcelona then you might find cheaper offers but you will have to spend a lot of time in public transportation and if you plan to go out at night for dinner or for a drink then you will have spend money on taxis which can outweigh the price difference of hotels in the centre compared to hotels in the outskirts.
The main disadvantage normally of booking a hotel in the centre apart from the price is that the centre of most Spanish cities tends to be noisier especially during weekends when people go out at night. Therefore for people that do not plan to go out much at night during their stay in a city might be better of with a hotel close to the historic centre but in a more quit area.
If you are planning to visit a tourist destination in Spain your main concern regarding to the location is properly the distance to the beach and to shopping areas, restaurants and bars. In most tourist areas you will find hotels located right in the centre of the tourist destination and hotels located a bit further away along the coast line.
If you plan to go out a lot at night then you properly prefer to be living right in the tourist centre as you will have everything within walking distance (the beach, restaurants, clubs and bars). On the other hand if you are travelling with your family or are looking for more quiet vacation then the hotels outside the tourist centre is a good option. Although you will be outside the main tourist area there will normally be few restaurants (apart from the restaurants of the hotels), some small shops and maybe a bar or two and it is normally easy to get a taxi or public transportation if you want to go someone else especially during the day time.
For further information about choosing the right hotel see our see the following guides:
Hotels in Alicante and Costa Blanca
Hotels in Barcelona and Costa Brava