Calender & Holidays in Valencia

Below you can find a description of local and national holidays and other celebrations in Valencia.

1st of January - New year's day. National holiday.

5-6th of January - The procession of the 3 Holy Kings. In Spain this event is celebrated with big parades for children where various famous people get the "honor" to play one of the 3 kings. On the morning of the 6th of January is when the children receive their gifts.

22nd of January - San Vicente Mártir: Patron saint of the city of Valencia, on the morning of the 22nd, there is a procession through the streets in his honor.

The 3rd week of March - Fallas. This is the largest and most well-known celebration in Valencia. It was even declared as an International Tourist Interest. The celebration is in recognition of the arrival of Spring. More than 700 cardboard figures are created and fill the streets and on the night of the 19th these figures are carried through the streets and finally burned.

19th of March - San José. Especially celebrated throughout the region of Valencia because he is the patron saint, this is also Fathers Day in Spain.

March/April - Easter-Week. Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Monday of Passover are official holidays, although throughout Spain during holy week there are often celebrations and parades every day.

March/April - San Vicente: After Holy Week, the following Monday in Valencia there is a festival. The people of Valencia join together in the city center and commemorate San Vicente Ferrer, the patron saint of Valencia.

1st of May - International Labor day. A national holiday in Spain.

23rd of June - San Juan. San Juan is the longest day of the year and is celebrated with campfires and parties. (not a holiday).

15th of August - Asuncin de la Virgen. This is a national holiday celebrating one of the patrons of Spain.

Last Wednesday of August - La Tomatina. This celebration is held in the town of Buñol, in Valencia, the history of how it began is unclear, but the main point of the day is the people gather in some streets and have a tomato fight!

9th of October - National Day of the region of Valencia: To celebrate and honor their regional pride, the people from Valencia enjoy local festivities with friends and family .

12th of October - Dia del Hispanidad. This is a national holiday with official parades celebrating "being Spanish".

1st of November - All Saints day. National holiday in Spain. Halloween is celebrated in some places in Valencia but it is not a Spanish tradition.

6th of December - Constitution day in Spain. This is a National holiday, but is only celebrated with official events.

8th of December - Imaculada Concepcin. This is a national holiday celebrating the patron of Spain, la Imaculada Concepcin.

25th of December - Christmas day. National holiday.

28th of December - This is the day where people makes jokes upon each other (like the 1st of April in many other countries).

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