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Restaurants in Granada

As Granada is a popular tourist destination as well as a student city there are many different type of restaurants available and in all price levels.
Restaurants tend to start serving dinner at 20.00 until 23.00/24.00 and you will normally only need to make reservation at the most popular restaurants and during weekends.

Eating Out
In Granada you can find a great number of different restaurants. The diverse cuisine influenced by its history and geographic situation between the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea and the many tourists visiting the town have made Granada a paradise for people who like international and exquisite food. Apart from the traditional Andalucian restaurants serving seafood or other typically dishes from the South, you can find restaurants who only serves local Granadinian food, Moorish restaurants and a number of international restaurants.
Depending on your appetite and taste there are different opportunities, which can be recommended. If you are not very hungry or just want to grab something to eat before going to a bar we can recommend the many tapa bars around Alhambra and in the Albacin neighbourhood. There you can get a variety of snacks (hot and cold, meat or vegetarian) and enjoy a drink in the same place. During the summer most tapa bars have a terrace where you can enjoy your food outdoor.
If you want to go out for a nice dinner we can recommend the area between the Plaza Nueva and Gran Va where you can find a great number of Spanish restaurants. If you like to try Moroccan food the street Caldereria can be recommended.

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